I always knew there was much more to life than just working to pay the bills, but I didn’t know how to escape this cycle…

until I figured it out!

Hello lovely human! I’m Alice Kingsnorth and I’m on a mission to empower you to LIVE the story you really want to tell.

Everyone has a story. But not everyone is living the story they really want to tell.

This was me - I was living the typical life that we’re told is the route to success. I worked hard, got the grades, went to university and then got an office job or three. I got the promotions and worked my way up to manage my own team. I was pretty much smashing every single milestone we’re told to aim for, yet I was constantly stressed, unhappy in my job and felt like my impact in the world was non-existent.

This was not the story I wanted to tell. I didn’t want to look back in hindsight and tell my children and grandchildren how I slaved away in an office for most of my life, with a few holidays abroad when I was allowed time off, so that I could save a percentage of my salary as a pension to then start enjoying life.

I came to Earth for a MUCH bigger purpose. And you did, too. We just got caught up in trying to be someone we’re not.

I reveal more about who I used to be and how I’m living my story today in my blog post “My Story: The Full Version” - check it out if you’re keen to know the details.

How did I go from constantly escaping my reality to loving everything about my life?

I made a decision.

I decided enough was enough. I didn’t want to live this mediocre life, where all I did was work (mostly emails ALL day!). I was literally living for my annual leave where I would go off and explore the world and have THE best time, before flying straight back to my cage (the office).

I decided to actually do the one thing that terrified me. To ignore EVERYONE’S opinions and do what I truly wanted, which was to quit my job, travel the world and then work for myself making an IMPACT. I didn’t have a clue how things would turn out, but I did have….

  • A vision of what I wanted.

  • A one-way ticket to Rio De Janeiro - so it was happening!!

  • 100% belief in myself that I would be more than just fine.

  • A growth mindset that was always open to new opportunities.

  • The willingness to learn new skills as I went along.

  • Oh, and the money that I had been saving to use for a deposit on a flat in London (because that’s what we’re told to do, right!?)

Fast-forward 5 years and I haven’t looked back. I’m now living the life I’ve always dreamed of; I’m married, with 2 little boys, the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been, and running my second business from Lima, Peru.

Having worked in the Learning & Professional Development Industry for over 10 years and continuously invested in my own personal growth as a business owner and Coach, my superpower is helping you to reclaim your power so that you can identify and overcome exactly what’s holding you back. With my guidance, you are then able to activate your higher potential, so you can be done with the overwhelm, stress and unhealthy habits and, instead, lead your life so that one day it becomes THE story you can’t wait to tell!

Everything you desire to be, do and have is already out there waiting for you to claim it. And if it’s not you, then it’ll be somebody else, so why not you!?

So let’s stop playing small - it’s time to show the world what you really came here to do!



This value is my non-negotiable. It's the foundation for everything I do and say in my life. In terms of how I work with my clients, I respect what they share with me and will always uphold confidentiality. I also respect my clients’ boundaries and different perspectives, which creates a safe space for them to open up with me. Respect also forms the basis for a healthy relationship, which I pride myself on with all of my clients.


I used to constantly seek the feeling of being “free”, but I realised (after lots of personal growth and healing) that it’s a choice. It's about being able to decide what I want to do with my life, when I want. For me, this is not being “trapped” within a system, under someone else’s rules or with fixed working hours. The value of freedom will look different for each of us and this is something I will help you to define as we work together, if this is one of your drivers.


Courage is the vital ingredient for success. I believe we all need to exercise our courage more as we miss out on so much in life just because we allow fear to have the final say. Courage is about acknowledging our fears and using them as fuel to take action, knowing that it will take us closer to the life we desire. This is what I actively practice and always encourage my clients to do, too. 

Personal Growth

As Einstein once said, “the day you stop learning, you start dying” - so we are all constantly learning, whether we are aware of it or not. However, this value is about consciously learning and growing as a person so that we can become the version of ourselves who is living the life we desire! When working with me, you'll experience first-hand how personal growth is the gateway to living an extraordinary life!


A world where we all get to be, do and have what we truly desire, so that we can leave a positive impact on Earth for generations to come.

Too many people are living the life they think they “should” live.

I’m here to challenge the status quo and show you that when you stand in your personal power and follow your desires, your dreams literally become your reality.