CLIENT FEEDBACK: “Having a clear direction has been amazing, keeping me from just floating along in life without a purpose."

- Select Your Preferred Package Below -

You’re looking for more purpose, fulfilment and balance when it comes to your career…

You’ve been longing to make a change, but you’re not completely clear on what this looks like for you, or where to begin… and so nothing has happened - yet.

I completely understand how you feel and so I would love to invite you to join THE PLOT TWIST - a unique career coaching experience that will give you the practical guidance, tools and proven methodologies to empower you to finally go after what you want next.

You will walk away with complete clarity on the actions you need to take, a personal brand that reflects all of who you are and a new perspective on your career that will make you unstoppable!

You know you’re meant for so much more and that your higher potential is yet to be seen… so now is the time for THAT career move.

Whether you’re looking to secure a promotion, change companies, or start a new career entirely, I’ve designed this programme to include exactly what I wish I had been told and learnt when I felt stuck in my job for far too long. This is a combination of over a decade of experience, qualifications, and incredible insights from my high-level mentorship programmes, plus everything I have put into place myself to officially have the career of my dreams!

By the end of this experience, you will be bursting with new-found courage and confidence to go after the job that lights you up! Feeling “stuck” will be an issue of the past and you’ll know exactly what you need to do next to make your dream job a reality!

YOUR STORY + Mindset + Energetics + Career Guidance & Templates, with practical tools throughout, giving you the confidence to go after what you really want next.

The Plot Twist - Making Your Next Career Move

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ADD ON 4 Private Coaching Calls
ADD ON 6 Private Coaching Calls

What's Included?

  • 7 Modules On-Demand (to watch at your preferred pace)

  • On-Going Opportunities for Coaching in a Group Setting

  • Exclusive Group Access for Community & Support

  • Workbooks with Step-by-Step Guidance & Exercises

  • LIFETIME Access So You Can Keep Going Back for More!

  • Ready-To-Go Templates To Save You Time & Stress

    PLUS Bonus Resources & Any Future Modules Added

    Optional: Add-on 1:1 Coaching to access more of Alice’s expertise and gain personalised support on the specific areas holding you back from making your next career move happen.

PS. When you purchase any of the 1:1 coaching packages: Elevated, Advanced or The VIP Experience, you get the entire group programme & community for FREE!


This client joined The Plot Twist Programme and successfully made a career change within the Engineering Industry, resulting in a promotion, more money, a company car and a ton of new-found confidence!

Examining my strengths has proved invaluable, allowing me to focus on what I excel at and to manage it effectively. This has been key in setting me up for success. I appreciate Alice for guiding me through this realisation. My action plan, which I once saw as messy and confusing, turned out to be surprisingly on point upon review. As someone who loves planning, this clarity has been super satisfying. I've ticked off most of my short term goals and continue to work towards long-term ones. The emotional intelligence and mindset shift materials have been great for my mental well-being and improving relationships. Highly recommend these if you're looking to gain better emotional control. The modules make more sense with each revisit of my action plan. Having a clear direction has been amazing, keeping me from just floating along in life without a purpose. The boundaries module has been a lifesaver, especially with my awareness of burnout risks.”


MODULE 1 - Perspective Shift - What It Really Means To Create A Plot Twist

MODULE 2 - Your Career Calling - Making Your Next Aligned Career Move

MODULE 3 - Reclaim Your Power - What It Takes To Make You Truly Unstoppable

MODULE 4 - Your Personal Brand - Building Your Career Foundations

MODULE 5 - Taking Action - Making Your Dream Career A Reality

MODULE 6 - A New Approach - The Energetics of Success

BONUS MODULE 7 - Master Your Emotions and Build Your Resilience

PLUS Deep-Dive Workbooks with step-by-step guidance and exercises for every module

Ready-To-Go CV and Cover Letter Templates so you don’t need to stress about those details…

Downloadable Guides To Boost Your Online and Offline Presence



Meet Your Coach & Programme Guide

Alice Kingsnorth

Having climbed the “corporate ladder” from Assistant to People Manager, and then changed careers twice more, Alice is an expert at successfully navigating the ever-changing business environment. With over 10 years of Professional Development experience, connecting with 100s of ambitious individuals from across the globe, she knows exactly what’s holding you back from reaching the next level in your career and how to get you there.


A one-off training course is not her style, as it doesn’t provide the in-depth support that’s needed when making meaningful changes in our lives. This is why Alice has created this space to include access to an exclusive community with on-going support, at no extra cost! Her own self-belief and empowering approach to guiding and coaching others will leave you feeling activated and inspired to take action – so if you’ve been longing to change careers or go after that promotion, but something has been holding you back, Alice is your person to guide you to make it FINALLY happen!


This client was a former Coach turned Trader - we worked together to clarify his next steps in re-starting his coaching career.

“Alice is an excellent coach! She is encouraging, collaborative, creative and helpful, all the while keeping sessions professional and on track.  We accomplished a lot through our sessions together.  We resolved many challenges during the programme, including reviewing and helping me overhaul my marketing communications for my business.  In addition, Alice helped me resolve a frustrating challenge I’ve had in one aspect of my marketing for over 20 years.  She is the first person who has helped me overcome this challenge.  For me, it was a huge “Aha!” moment, and it’s made a big difference in how I perceive a major aspect of my life/sport experience.  I know this will help me position myself differently as an expert in the future and will enhance my credibility in my field.  Her style is very engaging. She has an abundance of enthusiasm and energy, which lifted mine in every session and helped me move my thinking forwards.”

Luke C, Executive Coach, UK